The short lip PTFE seal consists of a U-shaped seal jacket with an asymmetrical wiper lip design.
ReadyTek Product Series
Symmetrical Lip PTFE Seal
The symmetrical lip PTFE seal consists of a U-shaped seal jacket with dynamic and static lips of equal size.
Single Point Contact Lip PTFE Seal
The single point contact lip PTFE seal consists of a U-shaped seal jacket with a thin, low-profile dynamic lip geometry.
Premium Polymer Jacket Materials
ReadyTek products are available in two precision- formulated PTFE-based materials, each proven to reduce wear and prolong service life in a broad range of temperatures, pressures, speeds, and media.

Polymer-Filled PTFE
This general-purpose jacket material is formulated for contact with housings and pistons made of soft metals or plastics. It’s recommended for high-speed, low-pressure applications.
Seals machined from this material can be expected to perform within these ranges:

Graphite Fiber-Reinforced PTFE
This material is formulated for severe service conditions. It offers excellent performance in applications with high pressures, low speeds, and high temperatures.
Seals machined from this material can be expected to perform within these ranges:

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