About us

Superior PTFE Seals Available Now

Welcome to ReadyTek OTS, your premier e-source for fast, easy access to high-performance sealing products in a range of popular sizes, proven geometries, and low-friction materials.

Whether you’re prototyping or retrofitting, ReadyTek OTS will help you get more out of your design and keep your project on track. That’s because it combines superior seals and the hassle-free simplicity of click-and-ship ordering to deliver solutions at the speed you need.

Why Shop ReadyTek OTS for Bal Seal PTFE Seals?

ReadyTek OTS is powered by Bal Seal Engineering, LLC, a division of Kaman Corporation with a reputation for high-quality sealing products and a broad application knowledge base that spans life sciences, aerospace, semiconductor, energy, and many other industrial segments. Since 1958, Bal Seal® products have been helping engineers all over the world break down performance barriers and make their designs great.

  • Precision products, made in the U.S.A: Every seal is expertly engineered and manufactured in the U.S., and subjected to rigorous quality checks to ensure that it delivers optimal performance in your equipment.
  • Easily accessible: For those times when you need rotary or reciprocating seals fast, but you don’t want to compromise on quality, ReadyTek delivers. Shop now, and get your seals as soon as tomorrow.
  • Backed by technical support: Order from ReadyTek, and you’ll breathe easy knowing that support is just a phone call or email away.

Custom Sealing for Next-Level Performance

We created ReadyTek OTS to give you fast access to our popular, proven sealing products. But we also offer engineering assistance and customized Bal Seal® solutions that will elevate your designs. To learn more, connect with us today.

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